I love the fall in southern california! the weather is perfect! we have been pretty busy the last few months. Brian toured with his friends' band, and Navy and i spent a month visiting family. first we went to salt lake, then to idaho, then portland. unfortunately i don't have any pictures cuz brian had our camera with him. i do however have lot's of pictures of what we have been up to since coming home. so here they are:

brian and i had a night off (thanks sal and shane) and bri took me to a concert in LA. it was so fun! we saw Mika and he was awesome.
Our tinkerbell. so there will be quite a few tinkerbell pictures. sorry. i just thought she was sooo cute!
Life is good and we are looking forward to the holidays' and a time to give thanks. speaking of giving thanks, sally has started a thing called mom's morning off where she babysits kid's that she knows for super cheap, one day a week. it is WONDERFUL! navy loves it and i love it. thanks sal. we love you!