I love the fall in southern california! the weather is perfect! we have been pretty busy the last few months. Brian toured with his friends' band, and Navy and i spent a month visiting family. first we went to salt lake, then to idaho, then portland. unfortunately i don't have any pictures cuz brian had our camera with him. i do however have lot's of pictures of what we have been up to since coming home. so here they are:

brian and i had a night off (thanks sal and shane) and bri took me to a concert in LA. it was so fun! we saw Mika and he was awesome.
Our tinkerbell. so there will be quite a few tinkerbell pictures. sorry. i just thought she was sooo cute!
Life is good and we are looking forward to the holidays' and a time to give thanks. speaking of giving thanks, sally has started a thing called mom's morning off where she babysits kid's that she knows for super cheap, one day a week. it is WONDERFUL! navy loves it and i love it. thanks sal. we love you!
What a beautiful family you have! so uber hip and whatnot! Navy is a beautiful little fairy... no costume needed:)
Jeeeeez, Navy is so super cute!!!
#1 - Great job on posting a bit about you and not just Navy. (Still have to work on a post dedicated solely to you).
#2 - Forgot to ask, what was Navy's initial reaction to seeing her daddy again with short hair?
#3 - You're totally cross-eyed in that pic of you in the glasses at the Mika concert. Haha.
Ahhhhhhh! Those are such cute photos of the Beans! Man, seriously, none of her future cousins have a chance! Thanks for the shout out - I take every chance I get to be with that girl. I love doing it. And you deserve it :)
Kirsti I almost jumped out of my seat with excitement when I saw you had a new post! I told you... #1 climate!! So glad you're enjoying socal without me..:(. Navy is so stinkin beautiful and OF COURSE she won the cutest costume award, just look at her! And you look super super hot and I like your hair with that cute headband in it and I miss and I hope I get to see you at xmas time. Oh! Actually, I'll be getting there around thanksgiving and staying until new years. Will you still be there???
i love your hair that length!! you look super hot... super cute family... and navy is gorgeous. she looks seriously, exactly like gwenyth paltrow in all the tinkerbell pictures. i love you!!!
and i agree with teija... you do need a post dedicated to you
Dear Kirsti,
I'm sad you didn't come and say goodbye to me. But I'm glad that I got to see you while I was in cali. I miss you and I hope you're loving being back in Idaho. Call me soon?
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