So as many of you know, we moved back to Rexburg so Brian could finish school. We will be here until July and so far i'm loving it! but first i wanna share with you the last few weeks we had in long beach.

Beach photo shoot. i know my eyes are closed but what else is new, right!

i can't believe we were at the beach a few weeks ago! it's freezing here!

LA actually looks kind of heavenly!

at the griffith observatory.

Sierra and navy playing beauty salon. we miss her soooo much already. Sierra was navy's 11 year old best friend who lived across the hall from us and spent most of her waking hours with us when she wasn't at school. she was great! i miss my free babysitter. i am playing way too much barbies and ponies without sierra around.

down town long beach. no more bare feet. it's snow boots all day every day!

on the ferris wheel down town.

we went to disneyland!!! thanks so much morgan! it was amazing. navy loved every second of it. i was a little skeptical of disneyland cuz i only went once when i was like 8, but it really was great. i think seeing it through navy's eyes made even more magical! she LOVED the princesses!

Small World

Long Beach we'll miss you! but rexburg has been treating us pretty good. more on that later!
INCREDIBLE shot of Navy with the Hollywood sign in the background!
cool! super duper cute photos at the beach.
Miss y'all already!!! Navy is so darn cute and so are those pictures!!!!
That pic of Navy hugging Belle is so so sososososo adorable. You can see it's the most amazing thing EVER to her. I love it. I miss you kirsti! You look like such a hot mamma in all these pics.
im glad your loving rexburg! we will have to make a trip up to see you, but only when it warms up into positive digits. and brians hair looks great! and you are soooo pretty. navy too. love you!
Love that last picture of your family! We can commisterate with you guys and the COLD weather, glad your all moved and settled!
roberta said the low last night was suppossed to be -30 degrees. is that even possible?? crazy. not missing that, but definitly still can't believe that i have lived in rexburg forlikeever, and now i don't and you do. aaahhh. anyway, you look like the cutest family ever in these pics, and my absolute favorite is navy looking at belle. hilarious/thecutestthingiveeverseen
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