Navy is 3! holy cow, how did that happen. she has been resisting becoming three for like 6 months now. every time i ever mentioned her birthday she would tell me "i don't want to be 3 or 4." then i would tell her "but you will be a big girl." the she says "but look...i'm still little." well this morning we went through this whole thing again until i told her " well i have a barbie cake waiting for you and some presents..." navy then stands up and says "ok ok it's my birthday, i'm 3...but i'm still little." who ever heard of a kid who WANTS to stay little!

She saw some barbie cakes at albertsons a long time ago and asked me if she could have one. to appease her i said "maybe for your birthday." well for anyone who knows navy, you know she doesn't forget ANYTHING. over the last several months she has randomly talked about the barbie cake she would get for her birthday, soooo, i made her one.

I'm pretty proud of it! i think it turned out really well! and yes it does say happy birthday jasmine. Navy changes her name to a different princess name daily. i asked her yesterday what her name would be today so i could put it on her cake and she said jasmine. so there you go...jasmine is three!

Along with turning three and being a big girl comes going the big kids class a church. this her after church on her first day being a Sunbeam (that is what her primary class is called.) she is wearing one of my old outfits that my mom saved. the sailor outfit is so fitting for her!

snow angels with daddy. navy is still not sure if she likes the snow (neither am i). the first day after we moved to rexburg navy said "it's not cold in long beach. we shouldn't move here." she does like eating the snow though.

my mom came to visit us and we loved it. aiti is the only person that she will completely ignore for me. she chooses aiti over me every time.

her snowwoman. to her everything is a girl!

sledding! she's so brave!

random picture of navy crossing her eyes! shhhh...don't tell her she is not actually doing it. haha

temple square during christmas time. i have a few christmas pictures that i have been meaning to put up for awhile, so here they are.

the crazy crowd at papa's. it was sooooo fun and papa makes biscuits and gravy that are putting up a really good fight with my dad's for best and i have never had anyone even come close to that! navy got a barbie house from papa and grandma nancy an she looooooves it!

i got an apron from teija
navy with her ariel doll from santa and hello kitty bag from Dana!

she loves the puppies she got from sam and joe. she immediately named the brown one beyonce and the white one lady gaga.

coming upstairs to see all her presents on christmas morning!
so now i'm all caught up and hopefully i'll be a more regular blogger. i think i say that almost every time i post though. maybe i should make it a new years resolution since i have not actually resolved to do anything! haha