The park across the street from our apartment is one of the best things about living in Ventura. It is actually an old cemetery where about 150 people are buried. there are even headstones for about 50 of them. they are all from the 1800's. it's pretty cool. on a regular day it has a great view of the ocean but on foggy days it looks like this! we love foggy days!

Navy took some flowers off of a grave...

Brian explained to her that it was not okay, so they walked them back.

On Friday of labor day weekend we decided that we should do something fun for the weekend so
brian called up his aunt Dana in San Francisco and we headed up there that night for the three day weekend. we spent a few days in the city just wandering around. i love that city! plus it was so fun to see his aunt and cousin
sophie. this is navy down at pier 39.

Sometimes she really hates to have her pictures taken.

So this is a funny most of you know, navy lives in pretend world. in this picture she told
brian, "dad
i'm in a band and i play the drums. these are my ghetto glasses and this is the face i do
cuz i'm in a band." she thought she was pretty cool!

Navy's second day of preschool. i just love the pose she chose to do!

A few days ago it was my birthday!! thanks everyone for my nice birthday wishes! navy and i made this cake for my birthday! navy has a small obsession with watching cake decorating tutorials on
youtube. she can seriously watch them for an hour. she can tell you how to make a mermaid cake, a bunny, a barbie cake, a turtle, a robot, and this
caterpillar. pretty cute huh.

Navy decided it was a girl so it needed eyelashes.

and last but not least this is my belly as of about an hour ago. it getting bigger and more uncomfortable by the day but i really can't complain. i have had such an easy pregnancy (knock on wood) and it has flown by!
Whoa! lots of fun stuff going on in the Oz family! It's crazy how big Navy is! I think she shoudl date my cousin Brady (, he's planning on being in a famous band while still a kid. We'll have to hang when we come to Irvine in Dec.
Me and Tessa and kaitlyn are reading this together and loving it! we miss miss you guys. You are the cutest mommy in the world
um navy is soooo funny, and you are looking real real cute!
cant wait to see you!
I can't stop saying this, but Navy is the most creative girl I know.
Yay! What a cute post!! I loved every story. I'm so glad you guys are having fun! That's awesome you went up to San Fran for the weekend! Lucky! And I almost died laughing when I saw that picture of Navy on her 2nd day of school. Hilarious. And cake decorating? So funny and cute! That cake is awesome! Miss you guys!
I love Navy's pose!!! I will let you know when I am down south for sure!
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