main entrance

right outside our apartment

so we have moved to downtown LA. we are literally in the middle of all the big downtown buildings. our aprtment is amazing and i can't believe we live here. it is like staying at a fancy carribean hotel only we are here all the time (oh and we're in LA not some tropical island , but you would never know it is you never left our complex). there are 3 pools and hot tubs, an awesome gym with tv's on every machine, a sauna and and steam room, virtual golf, and bowling, an indoor basketball court, and water fountains and and tropical plants EVERYWHERE! it is seriously like we are on vacation but we would never even then stay at a place like this. here are some pictures i took off the website but you can check out more at http://www.theorsini.com/ apparently gisele (yes the gisele as in victoria's secret) lives here, i have yet to run into her!
the only drawback i s being right downtown so there are no grocery stores or parks nearby. lucky for navy our whole complex it one big park that she loves to explore!
Hey Kirsti & Navy! It's Kellie, shane's sister. I thought I should say hello, I love to read your blog since "the band" never updates theirs and I am way too old for myspace! Your new place looks awesome, we might come stay with you before we hit shane and sally's beach place. I am always looking for a celebrity encounter! Hope you have a nice Thanksgiving and hope to see you around soon! Bye!
wow! i want to visit!
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