Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Navy turns 4!!

Navy had a great birthday! we went and saw Tangled which we loved and then met dad at Chucky Cheese. she loved every minute of it! here is Navy on her favorite ride!     

she was sooooooo excited to meet Chucky and she invited him to come to her house to play barbies!

cruisin' with her brother

she was VERY specific about what cake she wanted...this is how it turned out.

birthday breakfast= pancakes with syrup powdered sugar and rainbowy sprinkles. sugar overload!

her birthday began with a snuggle with Audio. they seriously love each other. he smiles whenever she talks to him.


Teija in PDX said...

She's 4! Freak! We're getting old Buck! Time for the rest of the fam to start pumpin' out the babies so Navy & Audio have cousins! That's a subtle suggestion to all you married folk out there - I'm still working on the marriage step. :)

Sally said...

I cannot believe she's 4. It's not possible!!! Sounds like you made it a perfect day for her. What a good mom you are!
Thanks for the hint Tejia!!! Hahaha.